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Training in communication skills for self-efficacy of health professionals: a systematic review

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Communication skills are essential for health professionals to establish a positive relationship with their patients, improving their health and quality of life. In this perspective, communication skills grooming can be effective strategies to improve the care provided past professionals in patient care and the quality of health services.


To place the best available evidence on training programs in communication skills to promote changes in attitude and behavior or self-efficacy of health professionals.


Systematic searches were performed in eight databases, evaluating Randomized Controlled Trials and quasi-experimental studies with a control group, focusing on grooming communication skills for health professionals, who assessed self-efficacy or behaviors related to these skills. The phases of study selection and data extraction were carried out by two independent researchers, and the conflicts were resolved past a 3rd. The gamble of bias was assessed using the Cochrane method.


8 studies were included in the review. Most programs lasted between 4½ h and ii days, involved information nigh communication skills and the content was applied to the health professionals' context. Several teaching strategies were used, such equally lectures, videos and dramatizations and the evaluation was carried out using different instruments. Improvements in the performance and in the self-efficacy of advice skills were observed in the trained groups. The RCT had a low risk of bias and the quasi-experimental studies had a moderate risk.


Grooming in communication skills can improve the functioning and cocky-efficacy of wellness professionals. Programs that approach the conceptual problems and promote the space for experiential learning could exist constructive in communication skills training for professionals.

PROSPERO: CRD42019129384

Peer Review reports


Communication skills (CS) consist of the efficient transmission of information, including exact communication, such as spoken language units and listening strategies, and non-exact advice, such equally gestures and expressions, eye contact and trunk linguistic communication. They are an instrument that can enable the understanding and processing of information by the patient, during the intendance of health professionals, through empathy, informed collaborative choice and patient interest [i, 2]. CS, when centered on the patient, leads health professionals to place demands and programme handling through cognition and the provision of a therapeutic and supportive surroundings for shared decision-making [3], and enables greater adherence to treatment and changes in behavior [four].

The encounter betwixt professionals and patients involves dissimilar aspects, such as the patient's needs, the suffering he manifests, and the emotional availability of the professional, which do not allow the predictability of the lived experiences, thus justifying the need for advice nigh health care aspects to be a priority [five]. Attree [6] points out that patients understand advice with professionals as being necessary for quality care, and consider communication useful when it is carried out in a constructive, encouraging and supportive way. Patients' complaints focus on the perceived communication failure and the inability to adequately convey a sense of intendance [7]. Thus, the emotional aspects that involve advice with the patient are presented equally a challenge for professionals and health services [8].

Training on how to inform patients about their health condition, illnesses and treatment; establishing relationships based on empathy, support and comfort; and promoting personal reflection on their communicative deportment and interdisciplinary collaboration are essential for wellness professionals [9]. Advice skills training (CST) can have a benign effect on the self-efficacy of professionals [10], on improving services, and on the possibility of minimizing errors, which should exist a priority, considering that these skills cannot be improved with just clinical experience [11].

The development of CST has been carried out in different wellness contexts (primary and 3rd care), and usually involves behaviors with loftier emotional burdens, such every bit delivering bad news [12]. The acquisition of new communication skills tin can better the relationship with patients, especially when the training process occurs in an experiential way. In this context, when promoting the teaching of advice skills, cognitive, affective and behavioral components are incorporated, with the general objective of promoting greater self-awareness in health professionals [7].

One way to measure the impact of training is through self-efficacy, which is the individual belief about the ability to perform an activeness with success. This construct states that individuals can alter their behavior based on the cognitive aspects and the relationships that they establish with their external environment. The perception of their skills and competences promotes a disquisitional cess of changes in operation and behavior, which can be favored by intervention and quality improvement programs [13]. Self-efficacy has been a widely used construct for self-assessment of the effect of communication skills, as it is believed to have a direct influence on personal operation in specific contexts, considering the changes that can occur in behavior [14].

In a study by Kissane et al. [15] it was observed that the CST shows inconsistency betwixt studies, both related to the concept of communication skills, and to the exposed content, plan design, intervention fourth dimension and results. This multiplicity of strategies and the performance of evaluations without methodological rigor and comparability make information technology difficult to identify an ideal program with an acceptable structure and methods for teaching communication skills [16, 17]. Therefore, the objective of this systematic review was to identify the all-time evidence available, considering the greater methodological robustness, on the available training programs in communication skills, addressing aspects of structure, content, teaching and assessment strategies, and to present an constructive model for promoting changes in attitude and behavior or self-efficacy in health professionals.


Search strategy

This systematic review written report was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42019129384) (see Additional file 1), because the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and MetaAnalyses [18] statement guidelines. The methodology is detailed in Mata et al. [19].

A broad search was carried out until April 2020, in the post-obit databases: PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, EMBASE, Science Direct, CINAHL, PsycINFO and the Cochrane Fundamental Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). The search strategy used Medical Subject area Headings (MeSH) (encounter Additional file two: Chart 1), and the transmission search was carried out by investigating the references of the included articles.

Selection of studies

This review selected Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) and quasi-experimental studies with a control group, every bit the most appropriate methodological strategy for assessing the usefulness of the intervention.

Studies were included in which the intervention performed was the grooming of communication skills with health professionals, who reported changes in self-efficacy, or changes in attitude and behavior, related to advice skills and evaluated past the professionals themselves, without language restrictions.

Exclusion criteria were: studies carried out with undergraduate or graduate students, evaluations performed past patients, interventions carried out by mindfulness programs, psychotherapy or Balint group. Studies with incomplete descriptions of the intervention or results were excluded, if we cannot access the data through the contact with the authors of the research.

Two reviewers screened all abstracts and full-texts manufactures independently and blindly using Rayyan, a spider web and mobile app for systematic reviews [20]. Disagreements between the reviewers were resolved by discussions or with the help of a third reviewer.

Data extraction and evaluation of methodological quality of studies

The data were extracted by two reviewers (INB and IDSFP). A file with the data extraction tables was sent to each review, who worked independently and blindly. The data extraction tables was tested and refined in a airplane pilot study. A tertiary reviewer (AM) resolved the divergences and organized the extracted data. Data were extracted to narrate the studies (sample and method), intervention data (period, content and instruction strategies) and evaluation (outcome, instruments and master results).

The hazard of bias was assessed for all of the included articles following the recommendations of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Review of Interventions [21]. For the evaluation of the RCT tests, the bias gamble tool (RoB) was used, which has structured domains to assess the gamble of bias in the process of randomization, blinding, outcomes and overall bias. The run a risk of bias was assessed as low, high, or some concerns [22]. The software Review Manager 5.3 was used to elaborate the figures that summarize the evaluation of the risk of bias in clinical trials.

Non-RCTs were evaluated by the "Risk of Bias in Non-Randomized Studies of Interventions" tool (ROBINS-I) [23], which domains address chance cess of bias before, during and after intervention. The domains tin be classifieds equally: (ane) low-risk of bias; (2) moderate-risk of bias; (3) serious-risk of bias; (four) critical-risk of bias; and (5) no data.

Three reviewers (AM and INB; AM and IDSFP) independently assessed the methodological quality of the studies and any divergences were resolved by discussion or with the assist of a 4th reviewer (GP). The quality of bear witness was evaluated past Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (Grade) guidelines, classified as very low, low, moderate and loftier [24]. The articles were non excluded based on the quality assessment.


The systematic search resulted in 2255 manufactures, and 379 references were identified through manual bibliographic review. A total of 8 articles met the criteria for eligibility in the study, according to PRISMA Flowchart—Fig. i (come across Additional file 3).

The eight studies included in the systematic review were developed with target group of doctors and/or nurses, with a predominance of women, and three were conducted in the context of Main Health Intendance. The sample size of the studies was reduced, varying between 15 and 35 health professionals, excepted for the report past Liu et al. [25] conducted with 117 nurses. In all studies, the command groups were not subjected to any intervention or activity. The details of the characteristics of the studies are shown in Table 1 (run into Additional file iv).

Characteristics of intervention programs

The results about the structure, content, educational activity strategies and evaluation of the training programs in communication skills are presented in Table ii (encounter Boosted file 5). An important component of the intervention refers to the duration of the programs, which can be short (< twenty h) or long (≥ xx h) [26]. Thus, the programs included in this review are considered, for the most office, to exist of short elapsing with variation between 4½ h and 2 days. As an exception, the report by Ammentorp et al. [27] lasted for 5 days (34 h), and monitored groups, with an assessment at iii and vi months after the intervention. Two studies took breaks between training sessions to develop educational strategies, such every bit recording videos [27, 28].

The report developed past Levinson and Roter [29] evaluated the effect of 2 types of intervention, with unlike structures, which were submitted to dissimilar methodological designs. One, of short duration (4½ h), was characterized as a RCT, while the other, described past the authors as long-lasting (two½ days), and without a control group, was developed using a quasi-experimental written report method. Thus, in this written report, data related to the brusk-term plan were considered, co-ordinate to the inclusion criteria of the studies in this review.

Content of interventions

The programs begin training roofing the basic concepts of communication: communication models [30], fundamental interview skills [29, 31], interpersonal communication [32], spoken and written advice [33] and facilitating listening, non-verbal communication and assertive communication [28]. Liu et al. [25] identified the communication tasks that professionals most needed assist with when are talking to patients, family members and colleagues. Specific communication skills were also addressed by Roter et al. [32]. Ammentorp et al. [27] explained the structure of the consultation before dealing with advice techniques, co-ordinate to the model described by Maquire et al. [34] adopted in the intervention proposal.

Subsequently, some studies bring in their CST-specific themes to the context and the audience to which they are directed. In the pediatric context, strategies were adult to bargain with the instrumental and affective needs of parents and children [31]. Sany et al. [33] directed the content to collaboration and counseling skills that promote patient self-care and self-efficacy, with a focus on understanding the patient and adhering to the treatment of arterial hypertension. In the perspective of training with oncology professionals, Fujimori et al. [30] addressed strategies for communicating bad news. Doyle et al. [28], aiming at providing training to deal with difficult communication situations, dealt with rescheduling and conflict resolution.

The studies past Ammentorp et al. [27] and Levinson and Roter [29], aimed at a general improvement in communication skills, inserted aspects focused on patient-centered attending. The first brought patient-centered attention past inserting content that addressed the understanding of patient's preferences and needs, while the second exposed empathic care and patient involvement in discussions about health intendance.

Teaching strategies

The eight studies presented different teaching resources used as a strategy for teaching communication skills, with proposals aimed at active and contextualized learning. To address full general aspects of communication, Sany et al. [33] used strategies such as posters and graphics, relating them to patient education content, which was an objective of their intervention. The use of lectures and didactic presentations was used in the studies by Sany et al. [33], Fujimori et al. [thirty], Doyle et al. [28], Liu et al. [25] and Levinson and Roter [29]. The latter as well used a case-based discussion with focus on interview skills. Ammentorp et al. [27] and Liu et al. [25] identified the tasks that professionals most need help with.

Office play was used as a learning strategy, with some variations in its execution: exercises [31, 33], discussion between peers [30] and with the use of feedback in small groups [27, 28]. Doyle et al. [28] proposed that the participants share their experiences and build scenarios for execution in role play. Liu et al. [25] used management support methods, in small groups, which included positive feedback, implementing education rounds, building models and performing office play in their workplaces.

The video projection resources were used to transmit content [25, 33], as a strategy to trigger discussions [25, 30] and for modeling and demonstrating behaviors [27, 28, 31]. The recording of video consultations with existent patients for feedback was too used in the programme past Ammentorp et al. [27]. van Dulmen and Holl [31] included theoretical and practical homework and awarding of what was learned between sessions. Learning exercises, reading material and a pocket card with the basic steps of the training content were distributed to the professionals who participated in the study by Doyle et al. [28]. Manuals with training fabric and reference on skills were distributed to participants in the Liu et al. [25] and Roter et al. [32] studies.

Program evaluation

The assessment methods used in the training programs were diverse. Specifically to evaluate the communication skills outcome, the Wellness Literacy Assessment Questions (HLAQs) [33] and the evaluation through recorded visits with real patients evaluated by the Roter Interactional Analysis System (RIAS) [29, 32] were used, as well as evaluation of exact and non-exact communication using the camera computer system [31]. The performance of professionals in communication skills was carried out through the Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE), assessed by eighteen items from the AFLS (Awareness, Feelings, Listen, Solve) [28], and through imitation consultations punctuated by the SHARE items [thirty].

Fujimori et al. [thirty] likewise assessed the professionals' conviction using ii instruments: 32 SHARE items and 21 items established past Baile et al. [35]. Cocky-efficacy was addressed directly in the studies by Doyle et al. [28], Ammentorp et al. [27] and Liu et al. [25], who used the questionnaire adult past Parle et al. [36]. In addition, Doyle et al. [28] as well evaluated this issue using the difficulty extension scale, which forms the blended scale together with the confidence calibration. Liu et al. [25] it also assessed basic communication skills, self-efficacy and self-perceived support using specific instruments for nurses.

Main results

In assessing the communication skills of professionals, Sany et al. [33] found a significant variation from the baseline measure for follow-upwards between the command (CG) and intervention (IG) groups (CG: 0.48 ± 9.08; IG: 17.33 ± 12.9). Fujimori et al. [30] identified a difference in the hateful of the SHARE scores of conviction in the communication skills between the groups (IG: ∆ = 22.5 ± 34.4; CG: ∆ = − ± 26.1; F = xiii.vii) and in the advice of bad news between groups (IG: ∆ = nineteen.2 ± nineteen.half dozen; CG: ∆ = − 2.4 ± 15.four; F = 11.two). With regard to operation evaluation, the analysis of videos pointed out a significant deviation in the moments before and after the intervention and between the groups.

The performance assessed using the OSCE, in Doyle et al. [28], showed that there was no significant difference between groups. Both groups improved operation: the IG by 2.6% and the CG by 5.iii%, only in that location was no statistically significant difference betwixt the groups (F = 3.46; p = 0.073). The report by Levinson and Roter [29] did not show any testify of the effect of short-term training on the skills of professionals.

Cocky-efficacy, assessed by Doyle et al. [28], showed the most confident intervention group later on the intervention on the composite scale (IG: 87.0; CG: 71.7; F = 24.4), on the conviction calibration (IG: 91.9; CG: 73.9; F = 25.iv) and on the difficulty scale (IG: 2.6; GC: 4.0; F = 8.ane). The results presented by Ammentorp et al. [27] pointed out an increase in IG scores from T1 (earlier the intervention) to T2 (afterwards the intervention) in all of the questions evaluated, and the increase in the average self-efficacy score, for each question, varied from 8.5 to 37%. The comparison of the mean scores of T1 and T2 showed a significant increase (Diff = 1.25; p ˂ 0.001), respective to an increase of nineteen%. The CG showed unchanged scores at all times of measurement.

The study by Liu et al. [25] revealed a pregnant improvement in the pre (T1) and postal service (T3) preparation period in the 4 dimensions evaluated: basic communication skills (T1: 268.87 ± 29.ninety; T3: 287.69 ± 33.85); self-efficacy (T1: 1247.45 ± 244.10; T3: 1430.39 ± 125.68); outcome expectancy (T1: 123.24 ± 17.56; T3: 132.32 ± 17.82) and self-perceived support (T1: 44.16 ± 5.78; T3: 50.xvi ± five.fourteen).

In assessing some aspects of communication, Roter et al. [32] showed that trained doctors used significantly more than facilitations in their visits and more open-ended questions, and van Dulmen and Holl [31] trained pediatricians seemed to limited more than agreement, to provide more medical information, and a to do more than psychosocial question afterward the measurement.

Methodological quality

In the RCTs, details of the randomization procedure were non observed and information about the blinding of participants and professionals was also not described. Even so, the hazard of bias assay showed that the outcomes are reported in the studies, with low bias (see Additional file vi: Fig. two). In the assessment of non-RCTs, one of the studies was rated moderate bias (see Additional file 7: Table 3). The quality of the evidence from the included studies, assessed by Class, was classified as moderate.


This systematic review retrieved eight studies that addressed training programs in communication skills for the wellness professional and patient human relationship. Improvements were observed in the performance and cocky-efficacy of professionals with regard to communication skills, through different didactics strategies, involving experiential activities, which are primal for the improvement of care and for patient-centered attending.

Moore et al. [seven], when addressing the grooming of professionals for the care of cancer patients, pointed out that interventions aimed at professionals present pocket-size or inconclusive results. Besides, in the study adult past Selman et al. [37], in the context of palliative care, it was shown that the analysis of results of training in communication skills is hampered by the diversity of approaches, every bit well every bit by the low methodological quality of the studies and the difficulty in convincing professionals to participate. Thus, this review sought to include more methodologically systematized studies, and was not express in terms of addressing operation scenarios or health conditions, seeking to identify the most advisable structures, contents, instruction and evaluation strategies to ensure effectiveness in improving the self-efficacy and performance of wellness professionals in a broad mode.

CST should be investigated, every bit this is of import for the development of empathic and communication skills, enabling reflection on professional development and its relationship in piece of work teams [37, 38]. All the same, the analyzed studies are aimed at doctors and/or nurses, not because other wellness professionals. Consider the need for a comprehensive and multidisciplinary perspective of patient care, it is necessary to involve other professionals in training, to improve teamwork, the culture of advice in clinical practise and centered patient care [39, twoscore].

The context in which these studies were carried out can be predictors of training needs. Studies carried out in Primary Wellness Care are important, since the context requires professionals to exist closer and more than connected to the patient, and preparation tin can improve communication and favor the strengthening of safe and high-quality care [41, 42]. The benefits for patients are also assessed, peculiarly in the context of chronic health conditions, in which interventions for professionals favor the follow-up and adherence to treatment, the resolution of symptoms and the control of hurting and physiological measures [43, 44].

Another relevant aspect to exist considered in training is the duration of the intervention, since time has been proven to be a fundamental attribute to guarantee reflection on the chatty process; this is considering participants accept the opportunity to produce, interpret and respond to communicative acts [45]. In this sense, proposals lasting a few hours and without the use of role play, as carried out past Levinson and Roter [29], may not have effective results in changing the behavior of health professionals, since studies indicate out that long-term programs (≥ 20 h) are more effective [26].

The continuity of programs must exist an element to be considered for good results in the long-term. The study past Ammentorp et al. [27] pointed out that communication skills remain after 6 months of the intervention, corroborating the report by Fallowfield et al. [46], who identified that doctors fifty-fifty integrated communication skills into their practise 15 months after training. In this context, services face the challenge of ensuring the development and continuity of programs, ensuring that new employees are trained, as well as having refresher courses held often [38].

With regard to the content taught in the training, the studies included initially analyze concepts related to communication and the construction of the interview. This introduction to the concepts is relevant to situate the professional person on what skills will be discussed and developed. Cegala and Broz [45] point out that this is a comprehensive approach, which can reverberate aspects of the interview in a natural way. Attention to the stages of the interview and the concepts and functions of communication skills tin can also better the identification, coherence and particularization of interventions for training professionals.

Furthermore, inserting themes aimed at issues relevant to the target audience is essential for meaningful learning. Training should focus on the acquisition of skills and cognition, and the promotion of affective changes, which can motivate and provoke the desire to utilize the new skills [36]. According to Connolly et al. [47], for behavioral change to exist effective, training must keep the participant's attending and motivate them, interact to retain data and allow appropriate behaviors to exist reproduced. These aspects can assistance to increment the cocky-efficacy and the expectation of the professionals' results.

In this perspective, the use of videos for modeling behavior and strategies such equally role play, carried out in the studies included in this review, allow professionals to actively participate in the learning process. The use of simulated patients has also been encouraged, equally it allows skills preparation in a safe surroundings similar to that found in the professional's reality [11]. This approach leads to an increase in the professionals' 'perception of patients' behaviors, and identifies their reactions. This blazon of strategy allows the professional to develop other skills and abilities, such every bit respect, empathy and understanding of the patients' needs and preferences [48].

The insertion of content focused on Patient Centered Care (PCC), in the studies by Ammentorp et al. [27] and Levinson and Roter [29], suggested bringing the patient's perspective to the grooming center, enabling personalized attending, which considers the subjectivity of individuals and allows agile participation in the care procedure. An of import component of PCC is the advice that is established between the professional and the patient, as information technology allows the retrieval of relevant information about the patient'due south history, values, civilisation and preferences, which should be known and explored [49].

In view of the different content and teaching strategies, unlike means to assess skills were identified. In full general, the included studies showed a significant comeback in the confidence of communication skills and in the performance of health professionals. However, the performance assessed using the OSCE did not show any meaning difference betwixt groups. In contrast, Ammentorp et al. [fifty] identified a high agreement betwixt the performance evaluation of communication skills and self-efficacy using OSCE in a group of medical students. Although this method of assessment is widely used in the assessment of competency-based training, Plakiotis [51] points out restrictions in measuring issues of specialized practice and it is recommended to complement it with other assessments.

In the cess of self-efficacy, the participants submitted to the intervention had better scores. By understanding that cocky-efficacy is characterized past the individual'south belief in his abilities to perform a task successfully, which can alter the person'due south behavior [6, xiii], interventions are shown as positive possibilities to improve communication skills. Even with the cocky-assessment barriers, improving self-efficacy tin can bring benefits, such as confidence, and a positive expectation can increase the likelihood of professionals using appropriate communication behaviors. Thus, thinking of instruments that allow the professional to conduct out this evaluation tin can be an enhancer for the evaluation and success of programs [52]. Based on the moderate level of evidence verified by GRADE, professionals should be encouraged to receive the interventions recommended for improving the self-efficacy of Communication Skills, which should also be adopted for the improvement of health services.

In the perspective of knowing the effectiveness of interventions to increase self-efficacy, the exclusion of studies with other methodological designs may result in in that location being limited data about other training programs in communication skills, which could provide different ways of presenting the content, teaching and measures evaluation. The methodological guidance of this review aims to identify the effectiveness of training in communication skills using stronger research designs and with better assessment measures [16]. In add-on, the inclusion of only one report with a long training program precludes the possibility of assessing the effect of interventions in relation to elapsing. The apply of different cess measures also impairs a broad comparison between the information. In this perspective, new studies with standardized measures of self-efficacy and communication skills, should be developed, in order to allow the comparability of information and determine reliable results for training effectiveness.


This review presents the identification of studies that address effective strategies for training advice skills, with moderate quality of bear witness by GRADE evaluation, describing the content, teaching methods and assessments worked on in the programs. This preparation has been proven to be relevant in improving performance and in the self-efficacy of professionals with regard to communication skills, through participant-centered strategies, which are fundamental for the improvement of intendance and for patient-centered attention. It is likewise shown that other studies should be carried out greater methodological rigor, for more reliable assessments and the structure of increasingly structured and constructive programs.

In view of the findings of the review, it is suggested that the programs reserve space to hash out the basic concepts of advice and contextualize the other contents according to the scenarios in which the professionals are inserted, because aspects of patient-centered care. They must have a sufficient workload, which allows the participant the availability of time for contextualized learning and based on experience, with strategies for modulation and the awarding of the skills learned, every bit well every bit for long-term monitoring strategies. The evaluations must be valid and diversified, to complement the information.

Availability of information and materials

The datasets supporting the conclusions of this article are included within the commodity (and its additional files).

Modify history

  • 27 March 2021

    The citation name was incorrectly shown in the original publication. The article has been updated to rectify the error.



Communication skills


Advice skills grooming


Randomized controlled trials


Grading of recommendations applicability, evolution and evaluation


Objective Structured Clinical Exam


Control group


Intervention group


Patient-centered care


Health Literacy Assessment Questions


Roter Interactional Assay System


Awareness, feelings, listen, solve


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This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.

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ANSM contributed to the conception and design of the work, analysis and interpretation of information and drafting of manuscript. KPMA, GCBSM and VHOS participated in the pattern, assay and interpretation of the data and substantial revision of the manuscript. LPB and IMN collaborated in the formulation, assay and interpretation of the data and substantial revision of the manuscript. INMB and IDSFP contributed to data acquisition and assay and substantial revision of the manuscript. GP collaborated with the conception and design of the study, analysis and interpretation of the data and the substantial revision of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the terminal manuscript.

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Mata, Á.N.S., de Azevedo, K.P.M., Braga, L.P. et al. Preparation in communication skills for cocky-efficacy of wellness professionals: a systematic review. Hum Resour Health 19, 30 (2021).

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  • Advice
  • Health personnel
  • Self-efficacy
  • Training
  • Systematic review


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