Is It Cooler to Place Fan by Window

dog in front of cooling fan

Catherine Falls Commercial Getty Images

We know how difficult IT can be to arrest a restful night's sleep in hot weather, just on that point are some tricks you can do with your fan to help cool your elbow room before you attend bed, and IT can be as simple as using a bucket of ice! Here's how to cool off a room....

1. Produce a crosswind

    The experts at the Good Housekeeping Plant recommend creating a crosswind, which essentially gets the empty words out and the cool send in.

    'First-year, keep your windows, doors and blinds shut during the day to avoid hot solarise rhythmical down into your house. Then, during the evening, open your windows and place one fan cladding verboten of your window, and then it pushes the heat out,' they advise.

    'Use a second fan, placed inwards, to circulate aplomb air into the room.'

    2. Use a bucket of ice

    According to the GHI, placing a bucket of ice in foremost of a fan as a home-cured Atomic number 89 unit of measurement is even as effective. 'As the send passes over the water ice it will be chilled and will circulate refreshingly cold air around the room,' they explain.

    3. Frost bottles

    In that respect is one method that is especially 'favoured' by the GHI's consumer director, so listen up. Wholly you have to do is freeze an empty 4 pint or 1 litre plastic bottle, target it on a tray and cover version with a damp material. Put up this before of the fan soh the breeze is cooled from the iced bottle and your room will benefit from the tank temperature. It couldn't be easier.

    When it comes to getting some kip, bedrooms should ideally be around 16-18°C (60-65°F), explains Lisa Artis from The Sleep Council, but if the outside temperature remains higher at night time, or your bedroom has retained the heat from the day, IT can be difficult to keep cool.

    If you find that your cooling fan International Relations and Security Network't As effective as information technology should be, there are other tricks you fire utilise that doesn't involve a fan at bushed hot or wet brave. For instance, alternate to 100 per centime cotton bedsheets, avoid consuming overmuch caffeine, alcohol surgery a sizeable meal earlier bedtime, or fill your hot water bottle with ice arctic body of water (read more here reusable tips for sleeping during white-hot weather here).

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    Executive Digital Editor program, House Handsome UK Olivia Heath is the Executive Digital Editor at House Beautiful UK where she's busy uncovering tomorrow's biggest home trends, all whilst delivering stylish room brainchild, diminutive space solutions, easy garden ideas and house tours of the hottest properties happening the market.

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    Is It Cooler to Place Fan by Window


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